Plant-Based Coaching
If you’re looking to deepen your health and wellness journey by switching to a plant-based diet, I can help with that!
Perhaps you’ve tried Paleo, or Keto, or Whole 30, or the Standard American Diet (SAD), and have found that you just didn’t feel your best. You’re ready to go deeper and need support making some major changes.
You’re not only interested in your health, but also in reducing your impact on the environment and climate change, as well as supporting the wellbeing of animals.
Hi, I’m Michele!
I have over 20 years of experience with a plant-based lifestyle. I’ve done a ton of research and have participated in several certificate programs. Through my own experience and observing that of family, friends and clients, I have seen the benefits firsthand and am passionate about the journey.
Making a major dietary change can be difficult if you’re not sure where to start. It may be easy to start to incorporate a plant-based diet but then find yourself stuck when it comes to recipes and eating a lot of processed food and animal product replacements. Friends and family can also be less than supportive when they find themselves having to accommodate a major dietary change. I’m here to be in your corner!
The Benefits
Turning to a plant-based diet has become more popular than ever. Folks of all kinds, including many athletes, are discovering the health benefits of plants including better energy, weight loss, faster recovery from exercise, better digestion and improvement in chronic health conditions to name a few.
Some of those chronic health conditions include
- obesity
- diabetes
- high blood pressure
- heart disease
- cancer
Contrary to popular belief, plants are full of protein and obtain the amazing benefits of fiber, water, antioxidants and the phytonutrients on which the body thrives.
While improving health is a primary benefit of switching to a plant-based diet, there are also positive impacts on the environment and animal welfare.
I recommend reading books like “The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell, “How Not to Die” by Dr. Michael Greger, “Eat to Live” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” by Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr. and “The Starch Solution” by Dr. John McDougall. I also recommend watching documentaries like “Forks Over Knives,” “The Game Changers” and “Eating You Alive.”
Let’s talk about plant-based health coaching!
If you’re ready to give a plant-based diet a real try and want guidance on:
- Learning more about all of the benefits of the plant-based diet, personal, environmental and for animals
- Using a plant-based diet to improve health
- Replacing animal products
- Meeting your dietary requirements
- Staying plant-based when eating out or at others’ homes
- Navigating this dietary change with friends and family
… Then working with a Health Coach like me to implement a plant-based diet is a great step.
The Details
I customize all my plant-based coaching sessions and packages to your individual needs.
First, I assess your general knowledge about a plant-based diet and we’ll discuss your specific goals. Then, we’ll talk about a way to slowly implement changes that will work for your lifestyle.
A 6-session minimum is recommended to start so that we can work with each other for six consecutive weeks, assessing progress and celebrating successes.
Services that may be provided in your Plant-Based Lifestyle Coaching process:
- Strategies to add more beautiful plants to your daily life
- Health coaching for your overall well-being
- Navigating eating out and eating-on-the-go
- Great recipes and cooking tips
- Pantry tips
- Grocery store tips and plant-based substitutions
- Exercise and movement coaching
Single Session: $75
3-Week Package – Dipping in Your Toes: $200
6-Week Package – Wading in the Water: $380
12-Week Package – Going for a Swim: $720
Not sure if working with me as your Plant-Based Health Coach is a good fit for you?
Not to worry! We’ll have the opportunity to get to know each other in an obligation-free exploratory consultation before committing to work together.
Gift Certificates Available
Michele Stokes
2928 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 102
Portland, OR 97214
6840 S. Macadam, Portland. 97219
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